Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening

Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening

  • Tips on how to best mow your lawn

    Mowing the lawn is an essential activity for all homeowners with a garden, as it keeps the property looking good and also keeps the lawn healthy. Most people tend to just cut their grass the way they always have without considering actions they can take to make sure the result of their mowing turns out looking as good possible while also making the grass healthier. In order to improve your mowing technique and thereby get a better lawn, there are a few things you should think about.

  • A Few Secrets to Healthy and Green Turf

    Putting in new turf can mean a lush, green lawn in no time, and turf lawn is a good solution to bare spots on a lawn that just don't seem to support grass seed. It's also good for new construction, when you want to move in and enjoy your new property without having to wait for grass to grow. One problem that many homeowners or building owners face when they have new turf installed is that they don't know how to take care of it properly, and they may see it actually start to die away.

  • 3 Ways to Expand Your Lawn Care Business for Year Round Income

    One of the issues that you may have with your lawn care business is keeping it running throughout the slower seasons of the year. If this is an issue for you, you may have looked into ways that will keep the income coming in during slower times. If you are stumped on what to do, then consider the following ways to expand your lawn care business for year round income.

  • Five Surprising Tools That Can Help You Keep Animals Out of Your Rubbish Bin

    If creatures are getting into your garbage bins, it can be annoying to wake up every morning to garbage strewn across your yard. Luckily, there are ways to deter pests, whether they are stray dogs, raccoons or any other creatures, from digging in your trash, and these surprising tools can help: 1. Bungee Cords To prevent an animal from opening the lid of your garbage bin, you need something that can close it tightly.

2023© Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening
About Me
Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening

I am a teacher at a special school. It is a rewarding job, and sometimes I think that the students are teaching me! Last year, I began a garden project and it has literally grown beyond my wildest dreams. I don't have a green thumb, so most of the time I depend on my students and garden centres for advice. From preparing the earth to using such additives as blood and bone to enrich the soil naturally, I have become quite the backyard farmer! The students and I now sell produce at a local market. Of course, I do make some mistakes along the way. Carrots are most definitely not a summer vegetable! This blog is designed to highlight the best techniques and products I discover in this journey towards the perfect garden. I hope that amateur and professional gardeners alike find something of interest. Enjoy your day.