Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening

Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening

  • 3 Crucial Factors to Consider When Selecting a Soil Supplier

    Do you need soil supplies for your garden? Whether it's for a gardening job that you're planning or that you have already started, it's essential for you to find the right soil supplier for your needs. There are several things you should look into when choosing a soil delivery service. Here are a few essential considerations to make before settling on a particular company. Company Reputation Having a good reputation is really important in the soil delivery business.

2023© Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening
About Me
Blood And Bone: Enriching Lives Through Gardening

I am a teacher at a special school. It is a rewarding job, and sometimes I think that the students are teaching me! Last year, I began a garden project and it has literally grown beyond my wildest dreams. I don't have a green thumb, so most of the time I depend on my students and garden centres for advice. From preparing the earth to using such additives as blood and bone to enrich the soil naturally, I have become quite the backyard farmer! The students and I now sell produce at a local market. Of course, I do make some mistakes along the way. Carrots are most definitely not a summer vegetable! This blog is designed to highlight the best techniques and products I discover in this journey towards the perfect garden. I hope that amateur and professional gardeners alike find something of interest. Enjoy your day.